Saturday, August 31, 2019

Classification of Modern Germanic Languages and their Distribution Essay

Classification of languages means their placement into families or phyla [‘failÉ™] on the basis of lexical or typological similarity or shared ancestry. Languages may thus be classified either genetically or typologically. A genetic classification assumes that certain languages are related in that they have evolved from a common ancestral language. This form of classification employs ancient records as well as hypothetical reconstructions of the earlier forms of languages, called protolanguages. Typological classification is based on similarities in language structure. As for the English language, genetically (historically) it belongs to the Germanic or Teutonic group of languages of the Indo-European linguistic family. Old Germanic languages comprised 3 groups: East Germanic, North Germanic and West Germanic. East Germanic languages no longer exist, as they are dead. Only one language belonging to this group is known, Gothic, as a written document came down to us in this la nguage. It is a translation of the Bible made in the 4th century A.D. by the Gothic Bishop Ulfilas from the Greek language. Modern Germanic languages embrace 2 groups: North Germanic and West Germanic as they have survived until today. The table below illustrates their division and distribution. Researchers are not unanimous in their estimation of the number of Germanic languages and their distinction. Until recently Dutch and Flemish were named as separate languages, now there is a common term for them – the Netherlandic (Netherlandish) (Note 7) language as spoken in The Netherlands, together with the same language in northern Belgium, which is popularly called Flemish. In the European Middle Ages, the language was called Dietsc, or Duutsc, historically equivalent to German Deutsch and meaning simply â€Å"language of the people,† as contrasted with Latin, which was the language of religion and learning. The form Duutsc was borrowed into English and gives modern â€Å"Dutch.† The official name of the language is Nederlands, or Netherlandic. In the Netherlands it is also called Hollands (Hollandish), reflecting the fact that the standard language is based largely on the dialect of the old province of Holland (now North Holland and South  Holland). Frisian and Faroese are regarded as dialects since they are spoken over small politically dependent areas (Note 8); British English and American English are sometimes thought to be 2 independent languages. By one estimate, the number of people speaking Germanic languages amounts to 440 million (T.A. Rastorguyeva) plus an indefinite number of bilingual nations with English spoken as one of the official languages. Old Germanic Languages and their Classification The history of the Germanic group begins with the appearance of what is known  as the Proto-Germanic (PG) language also termed Common or Primitive Germanic, Primitive Teutonic or simple Germanic. PG is the linguistic ancestor or the parent-language of the Germanic group. It is believed to have split from the IE related tongues sometime between the 15th and 10th c.c.BC. The ancient Germans or Teutons are supposed to have settled on the southern coast of the Baltic Sea in the region of the Elbe. This place is regarded as the most probable original home of the Teutons. PG is an entirely pre-historical language: it was never recorded in written form. In the 19th century it was reconstructed by methods of comparative linguistics from written evidence in descendant languages. It is believed that at the earliest stages of history, PG was one language, though dialectally coloured. In its later stages dialectal differences grew, so that towards the beginning of our era Germanic appears divi ded into dialectal groups and tribal dialects. Dialectal differentiation increased with migrations and geographical expansion of the Teutons caused by over population, poor agricultural technique and scanty natural resources in the areas of their original settlement. Earliest records of Germanic tribes The records of ancient Germanic tribes are based on testimonies by Greek and Roman travellers and geographers. The earliest of them refers to the IV c. B.C. made by Phytheas, a Greek astronomer and geographer who sailed from Gaul (France) to the mouth of the river Elbe. He described the tribes of the Teutons. The next major description of the Teutons came from Julius Caesar, the Roman general and statesman which he left in his book ‘Commentaries on the War in Gaul’ (1 c. BC.) A century later (1 c. A.D.) Pliny the Elder, a Roman naturalist, gave a classification of the Germanic which until quite recently had basically been accepted by modern researchers. According to it, the tribes in 1st c.A.D. comprised 5 major groups which fell into 3 subgroups: Eastern Germanic, Western Germanic and Northern Germanic. They were 1) the Vindili 2) the Ingaevones 3) The Istsaevones 4)the Hermiones 5) the Hilleveones. Table 2 illustrates this division. A few decades later the Roman historian Tacitus compiled a detailed description of the life and customs of the ancient Teutons where he reproduced Pliny’s classification of  the Germanic tribes. Having made a linguistic analysis of several Germanic dialects of later ages, F. Engels came to the conclusion that Pliny’s classification of the Teutonic tribes accurately reflected the contemporary dialectal division. The traditional tri-partite classification of the Germanic languages was reconsidered and corrected in some recent publications (Rastorgueyva). It appears that the development of the Germanic group was not confined to successive splits; it involved both linguistic divergence and convergence. It has also been discovered that originally PG split into two main branches and that the tri-partite division marks a later stage of its history. The earliest migration of the Germanic tribes from the lower valley of the Elbe consisted in their movement north, to the Scandinavian peninsula, a few hundred years before our era. This geographical segregation must have led to linguistic differentiation and to the division of PG into the northern and southern branches. At the beginning of our era, some of the tribes returned to the mainland and settled closer to the Vistula basin, east of the other continental Germanic tribes. It is only from this stage of their history that the Germanic languages can be described under three headings: East Germanic, North Germanic and West Germanic. Table 2 Classification of Ancient Germanic Tribes Record Languages Tribes Settlement 4th c. B.C. – Pytheas, Greek astronomer and geographer 1st c. B.C. – Julius Caesar< Roman general and statesman 1st c. A.D. – Pliny the Elder, Roman naturalist: classification of the Germanic tribes: East Germanic The Vindili (including the Goths and the Burgundians) Eastern part of Germanic territory Western Germanic The Ingaevones North-western part of Germanic territory, the shores of the Northern Sea, modern Netherlands The Istsaevones The western part of the Germanic territory, on the Rhine (the Franks) The Hermiones Southern part of the Germanic territory (southern Germany) Northern Germanic The Hilleveones Scandinavia – 2nd c. A.D. Cornelius Tacitus, Roman historian Characterized the social structure of the old Germanic tribes Material Culture According to Julius Caesar, the Germans were pastoralists, and the bulk of their foodstuffs—milk, cheese, and meat—came from their flocks and herds. Some farming was also carried out, the main crops being grain, root crops, and vegetables. Both the cattle and the horses of the Germans were of poor quality by Roman standards. The Iron Age had begun in Germany about four centuries before the days of Caesar, but even in his time metal appears to have been a luxury material for domestic utensils, most of which were made of wood, leather, or clay. Of the larger metal objects used by them,  most were still made of bronze, though this was not the case with weapons. Pottery was for the most part still made by hand, and pots turned on the wheel were relatively rare. The degree to which trade was developed in early Germany is obscure. There was certainly a slave trade, and many slaves were sold to the Romans. Such potters as used the wheel—and these were very few—and smiths and miners no doubt sold their products. But in general the average Germanic village is unlikely to have used many objects that had not been made at home. Foreign merchants dealing in Italian as well as Celtic wares were active in Germany in Caesar’s time and supplied prosperous warriors with such goods as wine and bronze vessels. But from the reign of Augustus onward, there was a huge increase in German imports from the Roman Empire. The German leaders were now able to buy whole categories of goods—glass vessels, red tableware, Roman weapons, brooches, statuettes, ornaments of various kinds, and other objects—that had not reached them before. These Roman products brought their owners much prestige, but how the Germans paid for them is not fully known. Warfare In the period of the early Roman Empire, German weapons, both offensive and defensive, were characterized by shortage of metal. Their chief weapon was a long lance, and few carried swords. Helmets and breastplates were almost unknown. A light wooden or wicker shield, sometimes fitted with an iron rim and sometimes strengthened with leather, was the only defensive weapon. This lack of adequate equipment explains the swift, fierce rush with which the Germans would charge the ranks of the heavily armed Romans. If they became entangled in a prolonged, hand-to-hand grapple, where their light shields and thrusting spears were confronted with Roman swords and armour, they had little hope of success. Even by the 6th century, few of the Germanic peoples had adequate military equipment. Form of Government No trace of autocracy can be found among the Germans whom Caesar describes. The leading men of the pagi (kindred groups) would try to patch up disputes  as they arose, but they acted only in those disputes that broke out between members of their own pagus. There appears to have been no mediatory body at this date. In fact, in peacetime there appears to have been no central authority that could issue orders to, or exercise influence over, all the pagi of which any one people was composed. In wartime, according to Caesar, a number of confederate chieftains were elected, but they were joint leaders and held office only in time of war. By Tacitus’ time a new type of military chieftainship had come into being. For this office only the members of a recognized â€Å"royal clan,† such as is known to have existed among the 1st-century Cherusci and Batavians, the 6th-century Heruli, and others, were eligible. Any member of this royal clan was eligible for election, and the chie ftainship was in no way hereditary. A chief of this type held office for life and had religious as well as military duties. He could be overruled by the council of the leading men, and his proposals to the general assembly of the warriors might be rejected by them. The degree of his influence depended largely on his own personal qualities. A rudimentary judicial apparatus had come into existence among the Germanic peoples by Tacitus’ time. The general assembly elected a number of the leading men to act as judges, and these judges traveled through the villages to hear private suits. Each of them was accompanied by 100 attendants to lend authority to his decisions. A person who was found guilty by these judges had to pay a number of horses or cattle proportionate to the gravity of his offense. But many disputes (e.g., those arising from homicide, wounding, or theft) continued to be settled by the kindreds themselves, and the blood feuds to which they gave rise might continue from generation to generation. Long after the conversion to Christianity the German rulers found it difficult to stamp out the blood feud. .The monarchy did not become fully established in the Germanic world until German peoples had settled as federates inside the Roman Empire, and the leaders of the Ostrogoths in Italy, the Visigoths in Gaul and Spain, the Vandals in Africa, and so on are the first Germanic kings. Other famous German chieftains in this period, such as Athanaric and Alaric, who either lived outside the Roman frontier or whose peoples were not federates settled in the provinces under a treaty (foedus) to defend the frontier, seem to have had little more personal authority than the leaders described by Tacitus. Conversion to Christianity Evidence suggests that before the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476, none of the great Germanic peoples was converted to Christianity while still living outside the Roman frontier, but that all the Germanic peoples who moved into the Roman provinces before that date were converted to Christianity within a generation. The Vandals seem to have been converted when in Spain in 409–429, the Burgundians when in eastern Gaul in 412–436, and the Ostrogoths when in the province of Pannonia about 456–472. In all these cases the Germans embraced the Arian form of Christianity (Note 9); none of the major Germanic peoples became officially Catholic until the conversion of the Franks under Clovis (496) and of the Burgundians under Sigismund. The reason for their adoption of Arianism rather than Catholicism is very obscure. The last Germanic people on the European continent to be converted to Christianity were the Old Saxons (second half of the 8th century), while the Sca ndinavian peoples were converted in the 10th century. England had been converted in the 7th century. Germanic Alphabets and Old Germanic Writings Germanic tribes used 3 different alphabets for their writings which partly succeeded each other in time. The earliest of these was the Runic alphabet (Note 10) each separate letter being called a rune. The word rune originally meant ‘secret’, ‘mystery’ and hence came to denote inscriptions believed to be magic. According to scholars, this alphabet was derived either from Latin or from some other Italic alphabet, close to Latin, in the 2nd c. A.D. somewhere on the Rhine or the Danube where the Germanic tribes came into contact with Roman culture. This alphabet was used by such tribes as the Goths, Anglo-Saxons and Scandinavians. The runes were used as letters, each symbol indicating a separate sound. Besides, a rune could also represent a word beginning with that sound and was called by that word. For example, the rune denoted the sound [ÃŽ ¸], [à °] was called ‘thorn’ and could stand for OE Þorn(NE thorn). The letters of the runic alphabet are angular, straight lines are preferred, curved lines are avoided. This is due to the fact that  runic inscriptions were cut in hard material: stone, bone or wood. The shapes of some letters resemble those of Greek and Latin; others have not been traced to any known alphabet. The number of runes in different OG languages varied from 28 to 33 runes in Britain against 16 or 24 on the continent. That is the number of runes in England was larger: new runes were added as new sounds appeared in English. Neither on the mainland nor in Britain were the runes ever used for everyday writing or for putting down poetry and prose works. Their main function was to make short inscriptions on objects, often to bestow on them some special power or magic. The two best known runic inscriptions in England are the earliest extant OE written records. One of them is an inscription on a box called the ‘Franks Casket, the other is a short text on a stone cross known as the Ruthwell Cross. The Franks Casket was discovered in the early years of the 19th c. In France, and was presented to the British Museum by a British archeologist A.W. Frank. The Casket is a small box of whale bone; its four sides are carved: there are pictures in the centre and runic inscription around. The longest of them, in alliterative verse, tells the story of the whale bone, of which the Casket is made. The Ruthwell Cross is a 15ft tall cross inscribed and ornamented on all sides. The principal inscription has been reconstructed into a passage from an OE religious poem† The Dream of the Rood†, in which Christ’s Passion is told from the point of view of the Cross on which he was crucified. The Cross speaks: Ic wà ¦s miÞ blodi bistemid (Old English translation) (I was with blood bedewed). Many runic inscriptions were preserved on weapons, coins, amulets, tombstones, rings, various cross fragments. Some runic insertions occur in OE manuscripts written in Latin characters. The total number of runic inscriptions in OE is about 40; the last of them belong to the end of the OE period. Next came Ulfiala’s Gothic alphabet used in his translation of the Bible. It’s a peculiar alphabet based on the Greek alphabet with some admixture of Latin and Runic letters. (The Gothic alphabet should not be confused with the so-called Gothic script which is used in German writings and is a modified version of Latin script). The latest alphabet to be used by the Germanic tribes is the Latin alphabet. It superceded both the Runic and the Gothic alphabets when a new technique of writing was introduced, namely that of spreading some colour or paint on a surface instead of cutting or engraving the letters. The material used for  writing was either parchment or papyrus. Introduction of the Latin alphabet accompanied the spread of Christianity and Christian religious texts written in Latin. Since the Latin alphabet was adequate to represent all the sounds of Germanic languages, it was adapted to the peculiar needs of the separate languages. For example, to denote the dental fricative [ÃŽ ¸], [à °] the runic Þ was used (derived from Latin D). Ulfilas’s Bible, otherwise called the Silver Code (Codex Argenteus) is kept in Sweden. Along with other OG writings, next comes the Old High German Song of Hilderbrandt, a fragment of an epic, 8th century, and the Beowulf, an OE epic, probably written in the 8th c. Then come Old Icelandic epic texts collected in the so-called Older Edda comprising songs written down in the 13 c. A most important role in the history of the English language was played by the introduction of Christianity. The first attempt to introduce the Roman Christian religion was made in the 6th century during the supremacy of Kent. In 597 a group of missionaries from Rome dispatched by Pope Gregory the Great landed on the shore of Kent. They made Canterbury their centre and from there the new faith expanded to Kent, East Anglia, Essex, and other places. The movement was supported from the north; missionaries from Ireland brought the Celtic variety of Christianity to Northumbria. In less than a century practically all England became Christianized. The introduction of Christianity gave a strong impetus to the growth of learning and culture. Monasteries were founded all over the country, with monastic schools attached. Religious service and teaching were conducted in Latin. A high standard of learning was reached in the best English monasteries, especially in Northumbria as early as the 8th and 9th centuries. During the Scandinavian invasions the Northumbrian culture was largely wiped out and English culture shifted to the southern kingdoms, most of all to Wessex, during the reign of Alfred the Great. From that time till the end of the OE period, Wessex with its capital at Winchester remained the cultural centre of England. OE scribes used two kinds of alphabet: runic and Latin. The bulk of the OE records is written in Latin characters but the scribes made certain modifications and additions to indicate OE sounds. Like any alphabetic writing, OE writing was based on a phonetic principle: every letter indicated a separate sound. This principle, however, was not always observed, even at the earliest stages of phonetic spelling. Some OE letters indicated two or more sounds; some letters stood  for positional variants of phonemes: a and à ¦. Fricatives stood for 2 sounds each: a voiced and a voiceless consonant. The letters could indicate short and long sounds. The length of the vowels is shown by a macron or by a line above the letter; long consonants are indicated by a double letter. Linguistic Features of Germanic Languages Phonetic peculiarities of Germanic Languages. Word Stress and its role in further development of Germanic languages In ancient IE, prior to the separation of Germanic, there existed two ways of word accentuation: musical pitch and force stress (otherwise called dynamic, expiratory or breath stress). The position of the stress was movable and free, which means that it could fall on any syllable of the word – a root morpheme, an affix or an ending – and could be shifted both in form building and word-building. (cf. Russian: Ð ´Ã ¾Ã ¼Ã ¾Ã ¼, Ð ´Ã ¾Ã ¼Ã °, Ð ´Ã ¾Ã ¼Ã °, etc.). But these properties of the word accent were changed in PG. Force or expiratory stress became the only type of stress used. The stress was now fixed on the first syllable, which was usually the root of the word and sometimes the prefix; the other syllables – suffixes and endings – were unstressed. The stress could no longer move either in form-building or in word-building. This phenomenon has played an important role in the development of the Germanic languages, and especially in phonetic and morphological changes. Due to the difference in the force of articulation, the stressed and unstressed syllables underwent different changes: accented syllables were pronounced with great distinctness and precision, while unaccented became less distinct and were phonetically weakened. The differences between the sounds in stressed position were preserved and emphasised, whereas the contrasts between the unaccented sounds were weakened and lost. Since the stress was fixed on the root, the weakening and loss of sounds mainly affected the suffixes and grammatical endings. Many ending merged with the suffixes, were weakened and dropped. E.g. (the reconstructed word )PG *fiskaz Goth fisks Oicel fiscr OE fisc The First or Proto-Germanic Consonant Shift (Grimm’s Law) Comparison with other languages within the IE family reveals regular correspondences between Germanic and non-Germanic consonants. It looks as if the Germanic consonants ‘shifted’ as compared with their non-Germanic counterparts. This phenomenon was first observed and later formulated in terms of phonetic law (1822) by (Rasmus Rask and Jacob Grimm. Hence its name- Grimm’s Law. By Grimm’s Law, which includes 3 acts, voiceless plosives (stops) developed in PG into voiceless fricatives (1 act); voiced aspirated plosives were shifted to pure voiced plosives or voiced fricatives; and voiced plosives changed into voiceless plosives (stops). The Danish scholar Karl Verner was the first to explain them as the result of further development of Germanic languages. According to Verner, all the early PG voiceless fricatives [f, ÃŽ ¸, h] which arose under Grimm’s Law, became voiced between vowels if the preceding vowel was unstressed; otherwise they remained voiceless. The voicing of fricatives occurred in early PG at the time when the stress was not yet fixed on the root-morpheme. [f – v- b] seofon [ÃŽ ¸ – à ° – d] O Icel. hundraà ° – hundert [h – g] Goth. swaihro –OE sweger [s – z – r] Lat. auris – Goth. auso – Icel. eyra (ear) The change of [z] into [r] is called rhotacism. As a result of voicing, there arose an interchange of consonants in the grammatical forms of the word, termed grammatical interchange. Part of the  forms retained a voiceless fricative, while other forms acquired a voiced fricative. For example, heffen (Inf.) – huob Past sg.) heave; ceosan (choose) curon (Past pl.). Some modern English words retained traces of Verner’s Law: death – dead; was- were, raise – rear. Throughout history, PG vowels displayed a strong tendency to change. The changes were of the following kinds: qualitative and quantitative, dependent and independent. Qualitative changes affect the quality of the sound, for example [o – a] or [p – f]; quantitative changes are those which make long sounds short or short sounds long. For example,[ i – i:]; dependent changes are restricted to certain positions when a sound may change under the influence of the neighbouring sounds or in a certain type of a syllable; independent changes or regular (spontaneous) take place irrespective of phonetic conditions, that is they may affect a certain sound in all positions. In accented syllables the oppositions between vowels were carefully maintained and the number of stressed vowels grew. In unaccented positions the original contrasts between vowels were weakened or lost; the distinction of short and long vowels in unstressed syllables had been shortened. As for originally short vowels, they tended to be reduced to a neutral sound, losing their qualitative distinctions and were often dropped in unstressed final syllables (fiskaz). Strict differentiation of long and short vowels is regarded as an important characteristic of the Germanic group. Long vowels tended to become closer and to diphthongize, short vowels often changed into more open vowels. IE short [o] changed in Germanic into more open vowel [a] and thus ceased to be distinguished from the original IE [a]; in other words in PG they merged into [o]. IE long [a:] was narrowed to [o:] and merged with [o:]. For example, Lat. nox Goth. nahts; Lat. mater OE modor; Sans. bhra:ta OE bro:à °or .

Friday, August 30, 2019

Project on Cement Essay

Any accomplishment requires the effort of many people and this work is no different. I especially thank Mr. R.K.Gupta; Director of Cii & CITMS, whose support and patience was instrumental in accomplishing this project. I would like to thank our Faculty Guide Miss.Pubali Koley whose diligent effort made this project possible. My grateful acknowledgement to all the staff member of Ultra tech Cement limited for their support and cooperation. At last again I want to extent my thanks to all the teachers of Cii & CITMS – Durgapur for giving support and confidence for doing this project. [pic] This ambitious project at ULTRATECH CEMENT under the project title â€Å"ADVERTISING AND PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY† has been carried out under the able guidance of company & institutional experts. The vision or the objective of this project was to identify the Advertising needs. As the growth is a continuous process, so it is also very much important to find out the corners or the areas where the scope for the development is present. The effectiveness of the Advertising was also under the scan during this period where it is observed that the effective Advertising can effectively maximize sales volume & revenue. This Advertising process is also effective to manage the planned sales strategy. The Advertising process at WEST BENGAL CEMENT WORKS is judiciously planned &Divided into four parts. This practical project helped a lot to get the knowledge from all the avenues of the Marketing Management &it is also perceived that it will help the company time to time in its growth process. Introduction T he function of Advertising is to close the gap between the desire performance and the actual job performance. The need for quality Advertising program is on the increase due to the fact that the highly competitive business environment is throwing up new and complex challenges, literally every day. New and complex services are coming into existence, thereby pushing up the need for high- quality Advertising program. Due to the slowdown in the economy, many jobs are coming into existence, many jobs cuts are taking place leading to a situation where works must retain themselves to stay employed in the same organization or to complete in the market place. [pic] †¢ To identify importance of Advertising in the organization. †¢ To identify the specific Advertising area. †¢ To identify the effectiveness of different types of advertising. †¢ To identify the best methods and techniques for advertising. †¢ The development of Advertising and sales promotion schemes to meet desired goals of organization. ââ€"   Increase in sales volume ââ€"   Maximize profit ââ€"   Developed sales promotion schemes [pic] ↠ Because of busy schedule of the employees the interview was quite tough after a quite of waiting time. ↠ Most of the executives were too busy, thus to obtain the desired & accurate data there was a need to take the prior appointment from them. ↠ 50% of the sample size were not giving the correct feedback (due to varied hidden reason), thus there will be variance in the outcome of the study. ↠ Most of the employees were not confident about the proper management (misuse) of the information provided by them. ↠ They were also often reluctant in identifying the needed information. [pic] TITLE: â€Å"Advertising & promotional strategy† at West Bengal Cement† Works.† Research methodology is the method through which the project has been done. This includes various sources of collecting data. TARGET GROUP: The target group for the survey was Managers, Officers, Supervisors and of â€Å"ULTRA TECH CEMENT LIMITED† and press releases. SAMPLE SIZE: Out of 38 employees, 35 were taken as a sample for the survey QUESTIONNAIRE The company is having small number of staff. So, the questionnaire was made mainly for Managers, Officers and Supervisors. Some specific questions have been prepared relating to the topic and have been analyzed in such a way that it can fulfill the objective of the project. FORMAL INTERVIEW: Formal interview has been taken during the non peak office hour. [pic] [pic] UltraTech [pic] OUR VISION TO BE PREMIUM GLOBAL CONGLOMERATE WITH A CLEAR FOCUS ON EACH BUSINESS OUR MISSION TO DELIVER SUPERIOR VALUE TO OUR CUSTOMER SHAREHOLDERS, EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY AT LARGE OUR VALUES INTEGRITY, COMMITEMENT, PASSION SEAMLESSNESS AND SPEED UltraTech [pic] West Bengal Cement Works OUR RESOLUTIONS – 2009 †¢ ‘ZERO’ BREAK DOWN †¢ GOOD HOUSE KEEPING †¢ TRUST AND SUPPORT R.B.SINGH Sr.dy.general manager COMPANY PROFILE Company Name:UltraTech Cement Limited (An Aditya Birla group of company) Industry : Cement manufacturing Type of Company: Public Limited Company Unit Name& Address:West Bengal Cement Works Near EPIP, MUCHIPARA, G.T. ROAD Post-Rajbandh Durgapur-713212 District- Burdwan West Bengal Registered Office : UltraTech Cement Limited B- Wing, Ahura centre, 2nd floor Mahakali Caves Road Andheri (east), Mumbai-400093 Board of Executives †¢ Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla, Chairman †¢ Mrs. Rajashree Birla †¢ Mr. R. C. Bhargava †¢ Mr. G. M. Dave †¢ Mr. N. J. Jhaveri †¢ Mr. S. B. Mathur †¢ Mr. V. T. Moorthy †¢ Mr. O. P. Puranmalka †¢ Mr. S. Rajgopal †¢ Mr. D. D. Rathi †¢ Mr. S. Misra, Managing Director Board of Directors Executive President& Chief Financial Officer Mr. K. C. Birla Chief Manufacturing Officer R.K. Shah Chief Marketing Officer Mr. O. P. Puranmalka Company Secretary Mr. S. K. Chatterjee AT THE HELM ULTRATECH The Aditya Birla Management Corporation Private Limited is the Group’s apex decision making body and provides strategic direction to Group companies. Its Board of Directors comprises: †¢ Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla, Chairman †¢ Mr. S. Aga †¢ Mr. D. Bhattacharya †¢ Mr. S. K. Jain †¢ Dr. S. Misra †¢ Mr. S. Misra †¢ Dr. B. K. Singh †¢ Mr. K. K. Maheshwari †¢ Mr. Vikram Rao †¢ Mr. Ajay Srinivasan MILESTONES [pic] 2009 †¢ Grasim’s pulp and fibre division has won the highly prestigious Asian CSR Award. The Asian CSR Awards, Asia’s Premier CSR Awards program, is a project of the Asian Institute of Management, Manila. †¢ The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, Government of Thailand will be conferred â€Å"The Best Labor Relations and Welfare Award, 2009† on Indo Thai Synthetic Company Limited. †¢ Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund has been named â€Å"The Asset Management Company of the Year, India†, by the Hong Kong based magazine, â€Å"The Asset†, in the country awards category of their â€Å"Triple an Investment Performance Awards 2009†. †¢ CNBC TV18 Crisil recognized Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund as â€Å"The Mutual Fund House of the Year† in 2008 and 2009 (for 2007 and 2008), creating history as the only fund house to have won this recognition in two consecutive years. †¢ The Birla Sun Life Equity-Linked FMP won the â€Å"Best Local Currency Structured Product-India† at – Triple an Investment Performance Awards 2009. †¢ The Best â€Å"Onshore Fund House – India Award† by Asian Investor, a Hong Kong based magazine at – Asian Investor Investment Performance Awards 2009†. †¢ Rajiv Gandhi Award for Eminence in Social Field, 2009 was conferred on Mrs. Rajashree Birla by Mr. Jyotiraditya Scandia (Union Minister of State, Commerce & Industry) on 19 August 2009. The award recognizes Mrs. Birla’s path breaking work among the poor, more so in India’s villages, carried out through the Aditya Birla Centre for Community Initiatives and Rural Development. †¢ Idea Cellular wins the Economic Times’ â€Å"Emerging Company of the Year Award for 2009†. MILESTONES [pic] 2008 †¢ The President of India, Mrs. Pratibha Patil conferred the much coveted Rotary International Polio Eradication Champion Award on Mrs. Rajashree Birla in an elegant function at the Rashtrapati Bhavan (Delhi), attended by the Chairman, select Rotarians and WHO officials. †¢ The Aditya Birla Group was honored with the India Today Group’s Readers Digest Gold award in recognition of the work that truly exemplifies the highest values of society as well as those of Reader’s Digest. The award was received by Mrs. Rajashree Birla, Chairperson, and Aditya Birla Center for Community Initiatives and Rural Development, at the Pegasus Corporate Social Responsibility Awards 2007 function. MILESTONES [pic] 2007 †¢ Hindalco in a joint venture with Alex USA Inc. Tran Works Information Services announces success of bid to acquire Minacs Worldwide. †¢ Grasim Industries Limited, India; Thai Rayon Public Company Limited, Thailand and P.T. Indo Bharat Rayon, Indonesia form a JV with Hubei Jingo Wei Chemical Fibre Company, China, for VSF. †¢ Hindalco awarded the Genentech Safety Silver Award for its outstanding safety performance during 2005-06 †¢ Hindalco awarded the CII – Sorabji Green Business Centre â€Å"National Award for Excellence in Water Management 2007†. [pic] 2006 †¢ Indian Rayon re-christened as Aditya Birla Novo. †¢ Aditya Birla Group to set up a world-class aluminum project in Orissa. †¢ The Aditya Birla Group signs a framework agreement to acquire St Anne Nackawic Pulp Mill, Canada. †¢ Board reconstituted with Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla taking over as Chairman. †¢ Completion of the implementation process to demerge the cement business of L&T and completion of open offer by Grasim, with the latter acquiring controlling stake in the newly formed company UltraTech. †¢ Grasim, Nada, received the FICCI Annual Award 2003-2004 in recognition of corporate initiative in rural development. MILESTONES [pic] 2005 †¢ Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla, Chairman of the Group, is selected as Business India’s Businessman of the Year – 2003. †¢ Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla is selected as The Economic Times’ Business Leader of the year. †¢ The Group is ranked 16th in India’s first ever survey of ‘Great places to work in’, published in Business World magazine. The Group’s joint venture concern, Birla Sun Life Insurance, is ranked 9th in the same study. †¢ The Group is ranked 20th in a study on the ‘Best Employers in India’, conducted by Hewitt Associates and Business Today. †¢ Hindalco receives the Asian CSR Award for its â€Å"Rural Poverty Alleviation Program†. LOCATION OF W.B.C.W IN WEST BENGAL [pic] Organizational environment West Bengal Cement Works has rail & road connectivity to meet inward & outward logistics requirements. The private railway siding is connected to main line of eastern railway at Durgapur, which is 8.72 KM from plant. The cement is packed in bags with the help of three packers operating round the clock. The packed cement is dispatched to various destinations by road & rail. Organization Culture ⠝â€" Purpose: To produce the cement as per marketing requirement with minimum cost. ⠝â€" Objective: Zero breakdown, Good Housekeeping, building trust & support. ⠝â€" West Bengal Cement Works is having following facilities: âž ¢ Clinker unloading by wagon tippler (cap. 15 trips per hour) âž ¢ Fly ash bowers unloading system âž ¢ Cement mill with 1.0 million ton per annum capacity âž ¢ Cement dispatch facility by road & rail âž ¢ Clinker, Gypsum & fly ash receipt by rail & road respectively Land Details: o Factory:61.67 Acres o 16 flat residential complex:10202.4 Esq. o Assisted siding:2830 M. o Private assisted siding:2210 M. WHY DURGAPUR? West Bengal Cement Works (WBCW) is the 10th cement manufacturing unit of Ultra Tech Cement Limited, Which is located at Durgapur. ⠝â€" RAW MATERIALS Clinker : Hirmi Cement Works Fly Ash : Bakreswar Thermal Power Station Durgapur Project Limited (DPL) Gypsum : Hindi Liver Chemicals, Haldia Slag : Durgapur Steel Plant (DPL) Bokaro Steel Plant POWER : GPL, DVC TRANSPORT : North Eastern Railway, National Highway-2 WATER : River Damodar MARKET : Local Growth of City development LAND : 62.92 acres of good land for Construction. CAPITAL : Huge number of Bank for getting easy Cash MANPOWER : Available amount of skilled and Unskilled Labors from local area DEMOCRACY : Good demographic structure is found Here CEMENT PROCESS GYPSUM from Yard Gypsum hopper Electronic weigh feeder SLAG from Yard Slag hopper FLUASH from Bin Supplied SCHENK For accurate quantity CLINKER from Silo Slag hopper to Mill SEPAX SEPARATION CEMENT PACKING PLANT PRODUCT MIXESPacking in 50 kg bag with electronic packer loading in truck or rack PORTLAND POZZALANA CEMENT CLINKER : 70-74% FLYASH : 20-25% FLYASH : 3-4% PORTLAND SLAG CEMENT CLINKER : 50-54% SLAG : 40-42% GYPSUM : 3-5% Plant Layout [pic] A Partial View of West Bengal Cement Works [pic] [pic] ON [pic] [pic] ââ€" ¡ Advertising is the dissemination of information by non personal means through paid media, where the source is clearly identified as the sponsoring organization. Advertising is one of the important components of the promotion mix. It is a powerful communication medium and a vital marketing tool. FEATURES: ââ€" ¡ Advertising is one of the methods of promotion mix. ââ€" ¡ It is a paid mass communication, not aiming at a specific individual. ââ€" ¡ It is salesmanship in writing or printed salesmanship. ââ€" ¡ It is undertaken to influence the buying behavior of the customers. ââ€" ¡ The communication media are diverse such as print (newspapers and magazines), broadcast (radio and television), and direct (mail, billboards and motion pictures). `NATURE OF ADVERTISING ↠ Element of Marketing Mix ↠ Promotion Mix ↠ Mass Communication ↠ Massages ↠ Price of Advertising ↠ Sponsor ↠ Persuasive ↠ Element of Control ↠ Identifiable ↠ Target Group SCOPE OF ADVERTISING ↠ Effectiveness of Massages ↠ Appropriate Media ↠ Merchandise ↠ Advertising Functions ↠ Responsibility of Advertiser ↠ Fulfillment of Objectives ↠ Generates Various Activities ↠ Advertising as an Art & Science PRIMARY FUNCTIONS OF ADVERTISING: âž ¢ To increase sales âž ¢ Persuading dealers to stock âž ¢ Assisting dealers to stock âž ¢ Increase in per capita use âž ¢ Recognition for quality âž ¢ Protecting manufacturers’ interest âž ¢ To eliminate seasonal fluctuations âž ¢ Creation of demand SECONDARY FUNCTIONS OF ADVERTISING: âž ¢ Oral support to salesman âž ¢ To furnish correct information âž ¢ Ensures product improvement âž ¢ Sense of security âž ¢ Appointment of efficient employees †¢ The scope of Advertising includes these activities such as selection of media, communication with customers, and maintenance of brand loyalty and so on. Advertising Objectives: ââ€" ª Simulating Demand : âÅ"“ The current user of a product may be persuaded to increase the existing rate of product consumption. This may be reminding them about the product, its brand and the possible advantages of the product. âÅ"“ The second way of stimulating demand for the product is to attract new user into the market by telling them the qualities of the product and possible uses so that they may change their brand. âÅ"“ The third way of stimulating demand is to tell the current users about new users of the product so that customers may use the company’s product for several other purposes. ââ€" ª Increasing profits âÅ"“ Advertising does increase sale of the product. âÅ"“ Advertising will reduce various ‘marketing costs’ Specific objectives of Advertising: âÅ"“ It introduces new product to potential customers. âÅ"“ âÅ"“ It promotes the brand by repeat purchase leading to brand loyalty. âÅ"“ It increases the timing and number of uses. âÅ"“ It builds the product and company image. âÅ"“ It sets the trend by changing perception and behavior. âÅ"“ It aids sales promotion campaign. âÅ"“ It shoots up the sale and increases the market share. âÅ"“ It answers the competitive attacks. Reminder advertising: †¢ Reminding them where to buy it. †¢ Maintaining its top of mind awareness. ââ€" ª Information Advertising : âÅ"“ Informing the market about a new product âÅ"“ Suggesting new uses for a product. âÅ"“ Informing the market of a price change. âÅ"“ Explaining how the products work. âÅ"“ Describing the available services. âÅ"“ Correcting the false information’s. âÅ"“ Reducing consumers fears. âÅ"“ Building up a company’s image. ââ€" ª Persuasive advertising : âÅ"“ Building brand preference. âÅ"“ Encouraging switching to your brand. âÅ"“ Persuading customer to purchase now. âÅ"“ Persuading customer to receive a sales call. Advertising Goals: âÅ"“ To increases sales âÅ"“ To establish brand equity, and âÅ"“ To enter the target market. Behavioral goals: âÅ"“ Advertising goals aim at changing the attitude and behavior of the target audience towards a brand. âÅ"“ Advertising goals in behavioral terms is analysis of the communication and decision process that will affect the desired buyer behavior. âÅ"“ Advertising could be aimed at any of these or a communication of these intervening variables. Communication Related goals: âÅ"“ Advertising is directed at a group of users of product called the target audience. âÅ"“ Attract attention âÅ"“ Secure interest. âÅ"“ Build desire for the product and finally âÅ"“ Obtain action. Approaches for setting Advertising Objectives: ââ€" ª AIDAS model âÅ"“ ‘A’ refers to Attention âÅ"“ ‘I’ refers to Interest âÅ"“ ‘D’ refers to Desire âÅ"“ ‘A’ refers to action; and âÅ"“ ‘S’ refers to Satisfaction ADVERTISING COPY ELEMENTS âž ¢ Headlines âž ¢ Subheading âž ¢ Body copy âž ¢ Captions âž ¢ Blurb or balloon âž ¢ Boxes and panels âž ¢ Slogan, Logo, Signature GUIDELINES FOR COPY WRITING âž ¢ Cash in on your personal experience âž ¢ Write from the heart âž ¢ Learn from the experience of others âž ¢ Study the product âž ¢ Study competitors’ advertisement âž ¢ Study testimonials from customers âž ¢ Solve the prospect’s problem âž ¢ Put your subconscious mind to work âž ¢ â€Å"Ring the changes† on a successful idea COLOUR ↠ Colors are often used to attract attention and to enhance memory value. ADVERTISING LAYOUT PROCESS [pic][pic] VARIOUS ADVERTISING MEDIA ââ€" ¡ PRINT MEDIA: âž ¢ Newspapers âž ¢ Magazines âž ¢ Journals ââ€" ¡ OUTDOOR MEDIA: âž ¢ Advertising Boards âž ¢ Vehicle advertising âž ¢ Electric displays âž ¢ Sky writing âž ¢ Sandwich men ââ€" ¡ DIRECT MAIL: âž ¢ Leaflets âž ¢ Sales letters âž ¢ Folders âž ¢ Booklets âž ¢ Catalogues âž ¢ Brouchers ââ€" ª BROADCASTING MEDIA: âž ¢ Radio âž ¢ T.V âž ¢ Film âž ¢ Web based advertising [pic] AN — OVERVIEW S ales promotion includes all those activities other than advertising, personal selling, public relation and publicity, that are intended to stimulate customer demand and improve the marketing performance of sellers. Need of sales promotion: ââ€" ª To secure attention towards new products. ââ€" ª To improve the market share of a company. ââ€" ª To avoid duplication of goods. ââ€" ª To create awareness among consumers about new brands. ââ€" ª To face competition in the market. ââ€" ª To create talking points for their sales force. SALES PROMOTION TOOLS ââ€" ª Contest ââ€" ª Premium offers ââ€" ª Mail – in free offers ââ€" ª Free gifts with goods ââ€" ª Picture cards ââ€" ª Gift coupons ââ€" ª Coupons ââ€" ª Cross coupons ââ€" ª Jumbo packs ââ€" ª Money – off offers ââ€" ª Sales letters SALES PROMOTION STRATEGY [pic] ADVERTISING & SALES PROMOTION STRATEGY TAKEN BY ULTRATECH CEMENT LIMITED ADITYA BIRLA GROUP — AT A GLANCE o The roots of the Aditya Birla Group date back to the 19th century in the picturesque town of Pilani set amidst the Rajasthan desert. It was here that Seth Shiv Narayan Birla started trading in cotton, laying the foundation for the House of Birlas. Through India’s arduous times of the 1850s, the Birla business expanded rapidly. In the early part of the 20th century, our Group’s founding father, Ghanshyamdas Birla, set up industries in critical sectors such as textiles and fibre, aluminums, cement and chemicals. As a close confidante of Mahatma Gandhi, he played an active role in the Indian freedom struggle. He represented India at the first and second round-table conference in London, along with Gandhiji. It was at â€Å"Birla House† in Delhi that the luminaries of the Indian freedom struggle often met to plot the downfall of the British Raj. Aditya Vikram Birla: putting India on the world map |[pic] | | | A formidable force in Indian industry, Mr. Aditya Birla dared to dream of setting up a global business empire at the age of 24. He was the first to put Indian business on the world map, as far back as 1969, long before globalization became a buzzword in India. In the then vibrant and free market South East Asian countries, he ventured to set up world-class production bases. He had foreseen the winds of change and staked the future of his business on a competitive, free market driven economy order. He put Indian business on the globe, 22 years before economic liberalization was formally introduced by the former Prime Minister, Mr. Narasimha Rao and the former Union Finance Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh. He set up 19 companies outside India, in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Egypt. [pic] Quality push: Mr. B. Venugopal, Senior Vice-President, UltraTech Cement Ltd, at the inauguration of mobile concrete laboratory in Durgapur. UltraTech Cement, as part of its ‘product plus’ services, has introduced a mobile concrete testing laboratory for ascertaining the quality of reinforcement materials and for guiding those building houses about its quality. ULTRATECH: BRAND POWER Excerpts from an interview with O.P. Puranmalka, Group Executive President, Grasim Industries and Chief Marketing Officer, UltraTech Cement Ltd. |[pic] | | | In step with its global agenda, the cement business of the Aditya Birla Group, is orchestrating a contemporary brand makeover. With UltraTech Cement, the Aditya Birla Group has established itself as not only the most respected domestic player but also among the global leaders in cement. Associate Editor Vidyut Kumar Ta in an exclusive interview with O.P. Puranmalka, Group Executive President, Grasim Industries and Chief Marketing Officer, UltraTech Cement Limited, analyses the strategy behind promoting a single brand identity of the company’s cement products. Signature line [pic] â€Å"The name UltraTech with the signature line, ‘The Engineer’s Choice’, admirably captures the premium nature of the brand and its salience.† According to Mr. Puranmalka, excellent product quality and customer care will remain the hallmark of UltraTech cement. Jaan Wahi Pehchaan Nayi [pic] K eeping pace with the current industry trend and taking the UltraTech brand to a new pedestal, the group decided to have one national brand. Birla Plus with its very strong presence in the North was a very well known brand. Its tag line ‘Har Nirman Ki Jaan’ and ‘Is cement mein Jaan Hain’ had become household phrases. Observes Mr. Puranmalka: â€Å"We opted for UltraTech as the national brand because while on the one hand, it gives us the opportunity to strengthen common attributes of a premium brand, scale of operations and the Aditya Birla Group’s reputation, it also provides an opportunity to build on the positioning platform of ‘expert’ and imagery signifying ‘progress’, ‘cutting edge technology’ and ‘modernity’. Strategy A lthough cement is said to be a low-involvement category, the brand awareness in this category is very high. Major brands like ACC, Ambuja and some strong regional brands have been fighting for mind space. Says Mr. Puranmalka: â€Å"Brand awareness is the category driver. We wanted to be different and were constantly on the look out for high visibility media. We found that cricket has a great following in our country and we wanted to explore the possibility of associating with this sport. CHAK – DE STRATEGY [pic] I ndia, the world’s largest producer of movies in as many as 10-12 different languages, provides a great opportunity for advertisers to reach the masses. Films are a great entertainment platform for most Indians. Many FMCGs have encased this opportunity. The in-film branding opportunity was used by UltraTech for the first time ever in the cement industry. The film Chak De India, promoting women’s hockey in India, became an all-time hit. In the movie UltraTech was the sponsor of the Indian women’s hockey team. UltraTech branding was all over, throughout the movie. ‘It was a big gamble we took,†Ã‚  says Mr. Puranmalka. â€Å"Initially we were skeptical, with many big banners with big stars failing in the recent past. After a lot of deliberation, we decided to go ahead with this gamble and finally Chak De India almost became like a national anthem, with India winning the women’s hockey title in reality and our cricket team winning the inaugural 20-20 World Cup.† BRANDED CHANNELS S urging ahead of competition, the cement business brought in a new concept in cement marketing — UltraTech Building Solutions, a one-stop shop for all construction needs. â€Å"This is a unique concept and was tested in Rajkot which is one of the fastest-growing cities in construction in the country today,† says Mr. Puranmalka. â€Å"Advocating our Plan, Build and Support† philosophy, it seeks to enhance the shopping experience of customers and strengthen existing trade partnerships, by upgrading the service proposition. It offers a wide spectrum of end-to-end home building solutions, high quality construction materials and allied value-added services. As a business model, UltraTech Building Solutions offers home building solutions from planning to completion. B asically, every customer who walks in to UltraTech Building Solutions outlet receives guidance on construction-related issues as well as value-added services like Vastu, usage of budget software to estimate costs involved for construction, paper clearance procedures, etc. The customer gets a ready reckoner of information on how to choose and buy quality construction materials. With the Rajkot success and with key learning points, the company intends to open many more outlets across the country. Measuring Effectiveness â€Å"O nce the goals are well defined we need to measure the effectiveness of all such initiatives that are undertaken from time to time,† says Mr.  Puranmalka. â€Å"We are research-savvy in our approach. We go into minute details to find out the cause and effect, keeping the larger picture in mind.† This is true right from the selection of the brand name UltraTech to ad campaign testing, media effectiveness and so on. Regular Brand Health Monitoring studies are undertaken to understand various critical issues like awareness, usage pattern, equity indices, psycho-economic mix of the target group (TG), etc. Mr. Puranmalka adds: â€Å"Recently we initiated and completed a customer satisfaction survey to understand the expectations of customers and benchmark with the best in the industry. Of course there are some insights, which we need to address internally, but overall we are happy with the outcome. The results are very encouraging and you would be glad to know we are steeri ng ahead of competition.† Rajasthan Royals ropes in UltraTech as team sponsor: ⠝â€" Rajasthan Royals has roped in UltraTech Cement as their team sponsor. With this, the Emerging Media-owned IPL franchise’s sponsor roster stands at eight. ⠝â€" Rajasthan Royals CMO Raghu Iyer, â€Å"All deals are intended to be long-term. Our earlier team sponsor was Bajaj Allianz but we agreed to mutually part ways amicably.† ⠝â€" UltraTech Cement will have branding on the team jerseys and team-replica merchandise. Iyer added that plans are being worked upon as to how the two parties can best take this relationship forward. ⠝â€" As had been reported earlier by, TCS is the franchisee’s technology partner. TCS will offer expertise in IT solutions to the T20 cricket team on and off the field for the next three years. The Television Plan: âž ¢ The franchisee is planning activities with Super sport which will air the IPL in South Africa. Rajasthan Royals had earlier entered into a strategic  partnership with the Nashua Cape Cobras. The first match will be played on 11 April. In the days preceding the encounter, there will be special features in the form of player profiles and interviews. âž ¢ In India the franchise’s partners are Aaj Tak and Times Now. The plan is to offer them special footage and capsules. Ayer added that the franchisee is in talks with several broadcasters to air their DVD. Victory will be aired on the channel. âž ¢ Rajasthan Royals claims that it is witnessing good sales of the two DVDs that it has launched earlier. While Road to Victory is about how the team triumphed in the IPL’s inaugural edition, Access All Areas aims to give fans an idea of what goes on behind-the-scenes to make the IPL a success. [pic] The prime purpose of the project is to identify Advertising and sales promotion strategies of ULTRA TECH CEMENT LIMITED. The ingredient for a successful analysis is a structured questionnaire, for the better construction of analysis of the data generated from the questionnaire. The following step by step analysis is a proportionate mix of good high quality and dire views. 1. How ‘advertising’ is effective to increase the sales volume? Always: – 65% To great extent: – 25% To some extent: – 10% To very little extent: – 0.0 Not at all: – 0.0 [pic] Remark: As there is no magic for success and to increase sales volume and profit, Advertising is the only key. 2. How ‘advertising’ is effective to stimulate demand for the product? Always: – 60% To great extent: – 25% To some extent: – 15% To very little extent: – 0.0 Not at all: – 0.0 [pic] Remark: Without advertising its’ very complex to stimulate demand for product. 3. DO you feel that ‘Advertising’ will reduce various ‘marketing costs’? Always: – 55% To great extent: – 35% To some extent: – 10% To very little extent: – 0.0 Not at all: – 0.0 [pic] Remark: Advertising is so effective to reduce various marketing costs. 4. Do you feel that ‘Advertising’ increases repeat purchasing? Always: – 70% To great extent: – 20% To some extent: – 5% To very little extent: – 5% Not at all: – 0.0 [pic] Remark: Maximum no. of customer accepts that advertising increase repeat purchasing. 5. Do you feel that ‘Advertising’ informing the market about a new product? Always: – 85% To great extent: – 10% To some extent: – 5% To very little extent: – 0.0 Not at all: – 0.0 [pic] Remark: Advertising is highly effective to inform the market about new product. 6. Is ‘Advertising’ act as building up a company’s image? Always: – 68% To great extent: – 23% To some extent: – 5% To very little extent: – 4% Not at all: – 0.0 [pic] Remark: Advertising is a successive method to build up company’s image. 7. How ‘Advertising’ is helpful method for market positioning? Always: – 52% To great extent: – 25% To some extent: – 10% To very little extent: – 7% Not at all: – 6% [pic] Remark: Advertising is quite impressive method for market positioning. 8. How ‘Sales Promotion’ effectual to improve the market share of a company? Always: – 55% To great extent: – 20% To some extent: – 15% To very little extent: – 10% Not at all: – 0.0 [pic] Remark: Sales promotion is effective policy to improve the market share of a company according to people. 9. How ‘sales promotion’ work to face competition in the market? Always: – 70% To great extent: – 20% To some extent: – 10% To very little extent: – 0.0 Not at all: – 0.0 [pic] Remark: Sales promotion used as effective tool to face competition in the market. 10. Do you feel that ‘Sales Promotion’ should attract the attention of the target audience? Always: – 75% To great extent: – 20% To some extent: – 5% To very little extent: – 0.0 Not at all: – 0.0 [pic] Remark: Sales promotion should attract the attention of the target audience to purchase particular product. ADVERTISING EFFECTIVENESS Most advertiser try to measure the communication effect of an AD – that is, its potential effect on awareness, knowledge, or preference. They would also like to measure the AD’S sales effect. ââ€" ª The consumer feedback method asks consumers questions such as these: 1) What is the main message you get from this AD? 2) How likely is it that this AD will influence you to undertake the action? 3) What works well in the AD & what works poorly? 4) How does the AD make you feel? 5) Where is the best place to reach you with this message? ââ€" ª Portfolio tests ask consumers to view or listen to a portfolio of advertisements. Recall level indicates an ad’s ability to stand out and to have its message understood and remembered. ââ€" ª Laboratory tests use equipment to measure physiological reactions – heartbeat, blood pressure, pupil dilation, galvanic skin response, perspiration – to an ad. SALES EFFECT RESEARCH What sales are generated by an ad that increases brand awareness by 20% and brand preference by 10%? The fewer or more controllable other factors such as features and price are, the easier it is measure advertising’s effect on sales. The sales impact is easiest to measure in direct marketing situations and hardest in brand or corporate image – building advertising. Companies are generally interested in finding out whether they are overspending on advertising. Researchers try to measure the sales impact through analyzing historical or experimental data. [pic] SALES PROMOTION EFFECTIVENESS [pic] O nce the goals are well defined we need to measure the effectiveness of all such initiatives that are undertaken from time to time,† says Mr. Puranmalka. â€Å"We are research-savvy in our approach. We go into minute details to find out the cause and effect, keeping the larger picture in mind.† This is true right from the selection of the brand name UltraTech to ad campaign testing, media effectiveness and so on. Regular Brand Health Monitoring studies are undertaken to understand various critical issues like awareness, usage pattern, equity indices, psycho-economic mix of the target group (TG), etc. Mr. Puranmalka adds: â€Å"Recently we initiated and completed a customer satisfaction survey to understand the expectations of customers and benchmark with the best in the industry. Of course there are some insights, which we need to address internally, but overall we are happy with the outcome. The results are very encouraging and you would be glad to know we are steering ahead of competition.† [pic] The improvement in sales & profit is the evident for an organization. So requirement of advertising and promotional schemes is tremendous. ↠ The structure of a persuasive message can influence the effectiveness of advertising. ↠ Customers influenced by message appeals like comparative, fear and humor appeals. ↠ The designs of advertisement impress customers. Design means the arrangement of various parts in a pre determined order say a blue print. ↠ Advertising media should be elected carefully. Media reduces gap between customer and manufacturer. ↠ Sales promotion schemes lead to increase of sales. [pic] ↠ It has been observed during the course of questionnaire survey that 56% interviews suggested improvement of advertising and sales promotion techniques. Management is being advised to improve inefficiencies such as: âž ¢ Advertising message should be meaningful. âž ¢ Avoid unethical advertisings. âž ¢ Reduce use of women as sex objects in Ads. âž ¢ Banned on alcohol & tobacco ad. âž ¢ Reduce using of false claims & info. âž ¢ Careful about social values & consumer rights. ↠ These are some initial steps which improve advertising efficiency. Efficient advertising and sales promotion schemes increase profit of organization. So, it helpful to meet organization goals. [pic] †¢ PHILIP KOTLER, Marketing Management †¢ Monthly Magazine issued by company †¢ Mr.B.Devamaindhan, Advertising management and Sales promotion †¢ Web based information CONCLUSION †¢ Design good layout and message of advertising to make it effective. †¢ Organize sales promotion programs to increase sales volume and repeat purchase. †¢ Care about ethical issues and social values. †¢ Provide quality service to the customers. †¢ Use reliable schemes to promote consumers. A FINANCIAL REPORT ON ULTRATECH CEMENT LIMITED Cash Flow statement of UltraTech Cement Limited |Profit before tax |1,361.46 |1,507.01 |1,166.19 |285.59 |43.24 | |Net cash flow-operating activity|1,457.57 |1,375.26 |1,113.09 |551.63 |337.42 | |Net cash used in investing |-1,645.43 |-1,441.79 |-1,046.25 |-357.24 |-87.18 | |activity | | | | | | |Net cash used in fin. Activity |191.66 |77.63 |-38.84 |-191.02 |-235.81 | |Net inc/dec in cash and |3.80 |11.10 |27.99 |3.37 |14.43 | |equivalent | | | | | | |Cash and equivalent begin of |100.69 |89.59 |61.60 |58.23 |41.83 | |year | | | | | | |Cash and equivalent end of year |104.49, |100.69, |89.59, |61.60 |56.6 | Dividend Sheet of UltraTech Cement YEARMONTH DIVIDEND (%) |2009 |Apr | | | | |50 | |2008 |Apr | | | | |50 | |2007 |Mar | | | | |40 | |2006 |Jul | | | | |18 | |2005 |Apr | | | | |8 | |2004 |Sep | 5 | Annual results in brief – UltraTech Cement Limited |   |Mar ‘ 09 |Mar ‘ 08 |Mar ‘ 07 |Mar ‘ 06 |Mar ‘ 05 | |Sales |6,436.96 |5,509.22 |4,910.83 |3,299.45 | | | | | | | |2,681.05 | |Operating profit |1,760.29 |1,720.06 |1,417.81 |554.26 |272.81 | |Interest |125.51 |75.67 |86.83 |89.64 | | | | | | | |106.88 | |Gross profit |1,684.46 |1,744.24 |1,392.44 |501.62, | | | | | | | |188.18 | |EPS (Rs) |78.48 |80.94 |62.84 |18.46 |0.23 | Profit loss account |   |Mar ‘ 09 |Mar ‘ 08 |Mar ‘ 07 |Mar ‘ 06 |Mar ‘ 05 | |Income | | | | | | |Operating income |6,385.50 |5,512.43 |4,909.05 |3,299.45 |2,681.05 | |Expenses | | | | | | |Material consumed |1,193.97 |1,008.92 |902.06 |733.72 |609.13 | |Manufacturing expenses   |1,805.56 |1,314.78 |1,194.54 |958.30 |839.40 | |Personnel expenses |216.76 |171.55 |117.22 |92.26 |72.96 | |Selling expenses |1,256.46 |1,143.02 |1,137.66 |843.99 |650.98 | |Administrative expenses |177.93 |160.03 |133.93 |109.57 |137.36 | |Expenses capitalized |-8.38 |-13.37 |- |- |- | |Cost of sales |4,642.30 |3,784.93 |3,485.41 |2,737.84 |2,309.83 | |Operating profit |1,743.20 |1,727.50 |1,423.64 |561.61 |371.22 | |Other recurring income |99.29 |87.31 |57.65 |23.11 |21.70 | |Adjusted PBDIT |1,842.49 |1,814.81 |1,481.29 |584.72 |392.92 | |Financial expenses |134.09 |81.93 |92.61 |96.99 |128.05 | |Depreciation   |323.00 |237.23 |226.25 |216.03 |221.78 | |Other write offs |- |- |- |- |- | |Adj usted PBT |1,385.40 |1,495.65 |1,162.43 |271.70 |43.09 | |Tax charges |384.44 |499.40 |383.91 |55.83 |-36.45 | |Adjusted PAT |1,000.96 |996.25 |778.52 |215.87 |79.54 | |Non recurring items |-23.94 |11.36 |3.76 |1.48 |-77.24 | |Other non cash adjustments |- |- |- |12.41 |0.55 | |Reported net profit |977.02 |1,007.61 |782.28 |229.76 |2.85 | |Earning before appropriation |2,575.14 |1,782.77 |962.85 |239.87 |20.77 | |Equity dividend |62.24 |62.24 |49.79 |21.79 |9.33 | |Preference dividend |- |- |- |- |- | |Dividend tax |10.58 |10.58 |6.98 |3.06 |1.33 | |Retained earnings |2,502.32 |1,709.95 |906.08 |215.02 |10.11 | SUBSTANCE: Observing this financial report we say the company is in good condition financially. The gross profit of this company was 188.18 in Mar 05’ and it increased 1496.28 in Mar 09’. We find a steady growth of UltraTech cement limited in six year. Company’s dividend jump 5 – 50 in six year only (2004 – 2009). Net profit was 2.85 in Mar 05’ and 977.02 in Mar 09’. Advertising expenses of UltraTech cement limited jump 605.48 point in six years (04 – 05). Advertising expenses of this company increases cause of advertising formulation strategy being changed. Company wants to capture potential market by good advertising and sales promotion activities. 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Thursday, August 29, 2019

A brief history of Fidel Castro

A brief history of Fidel Castro This paper will discuss a brief history of Fidel Castro, his leadership styles, characteristics, and the determinants that occurred during his rise to prominence. It provides his sources of power, and further examines his effectiveness or non effectiveness as a leader. Research on Fidel Castro and his leadership was conducted through online sources which include three academic. Importance: What relationship could be found between the Fidel Castro, the followers, and the situation? What were his perceived positive and negative qualities? What outstanding traits could be detected within Fidel Castro? About Fidel Castro Fidel Alejandro (Ruz) Castro was born in Biran Cuba on August 13th 1926 to Angel Castro and Lina Ruz in the Eastern Province of Cuba. Fidel was the third child of his siblings by father, Angel Castro. Although he was born out of wedlock, he was privileged to upper-middle class living environments. He was educated in a private boarding school, attended college and later went on to Harvard Law School. At Harvard, he became engrossed in the political climate in Cuba especially as it relates to the nationalism, anti-imperialism and socialism. (Castro’s Biography, 2010) Castro was married to Mirta Diaz Balart. They had one son whose name was Fidelito which meant â€Å"little Fidel†. Her family was wealthy and Fidel Castro capitalized on this opportunity and as a result was exposed to a much wealthier lifestyle and at the same time, was able to network with key political associations. The marriage ended after six years because of a lack of financial support for his family. Mirta was his second wife. (Castro’s Biography, 2010) Castro’s enthusiasm for reform and social justice led him to the Dominican Republic in an attempt to help overthrow Mr. Rafael Trujillo. Although this attempt was not successful, this did not deter him from the fight for social justice. He was part of an anti communist party that was formed with the aim of exposing government corruption, developing strategies to gain economic independence and implement social reform in Cuba. Although his attempts to overthrow the leader at the time, General Fulgencio Bartista failed, he never gave up. He was sentenced to jail for those attempted coups but continued the fight to become Cuba’s leader, in an effort to make the changes he was hoping to fulfill. This long struggle was finally realized on January 1st, 1959 when he assumed the leadership of the government. He appointed his brother, Raul Castro the duties of commander of the armed forces on February 15th 1959. Leader type and history â€Å"Charismatic leaders are exceptionally self-confident, are strongly motivated to attain and assert influence, and have strong conviction in the moral correctness of their beliefs† (House charisma and intellectually simulated that in itself helped Castro achieve the drastic change he sort for Cuba. That is the social and political reform he aimed to achieve as a leader.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 40

Economics - Essay Example That makes lending conditions more difficult, especially at smaller banks. The March loan-to-deposit ratio of 83 per cent  for Chinas small and midsize banks was already above the 75 per cent  limit set by the regulator. In aggregate, though, it isnt clear the banks are short of funds to lend. The level of reserves banks hold above the requirement held steady at 2.2 percentage points in March, up from 0.8 points in the middle of 2011. The seven-day interbank lending rate was 3.2 per cent  Friday, down from an average of 4 per cent  in 2011. Both measures suggest that liquidity conditions are improving. With no shortage of funds in the banking system, but new loans low, the obvious conclusion is that it is constrained demand for loans, not a constrained supply of credit, that is the problem. The shrinking share of long-term loans in the total for new lending - down to 28  per cent  in April from an average of 51 per cent  in 2011 - suggests businesses dont see so many opportunities for profitable investment. In the past, demand for loans was always strong. Increasing supply by lowering the reserve-requirement ratio was a sure-fire way to give growth a boost. If demand is now less assured, opening the lending taps may no longer provide a quick

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Reflect and evaluate Apple's marketing principles & practices Essay

Reflect and evaluate Apple's marketing principles & practices - Essay Example The other marketing strategies and tactics – use of a brand name, consumer research, product innovation, advertising and promotion, service support – these are all helpful, but not in and of themselves. Ultimately, they only count in advancing corporate performance in so far as they deliver quality to meet the customers’ needs. More recently, marketing thrusts have tended towards what I would call the splashy and spectacular, or what others would call high-profile marketing. These can be found particularly in the advertising for sports events or concerts where a large amount of sales have to be transacted within a short period of time. There is a lot to be said, however, about word-of-mouth advertising, which is essentially low-key but very effective in the social media environment. The strongest testimony would indeed come from family, friends and close acquaintances whom we know and trust, particularly if we see them patronising the same products and services. Apple’s marketing principles When we researched on Apple’s marketing, the emphasis of most researches was focused on Apple’s innovation, its market savvy, and the vision of its former CEO, the late Steve Jobs. There is a problem with this, however, because the vision, market savvy, and ideas for innovation appear to be incidentals – things we get right only with a wing and a prayer, even in the best circumstances. Moreover, ever since the death of Steve Jobs, the constancy of these three back-bone factors has become uncertain for Apple because Jobs was the main wellspring from which they emanated. Unfortunately, Apple operated largely in a manner that was too closely identi-fied with Jobs personally. ... Unfortunately, Apple operated largely in a manner that was too closely identified with Jobs personally. In the course of my own readings, however, I am convinced that Apple has an element pervasive in its organisational culture that has developed into the winning market principle for its industry. This is simplicity, minimalism, and the quality of being understated (Vertygo, 2013). While also originally a Jobs attribute, this quality of being low-key and essentialist has, I believe, established a persistent trend in the way the company operates in a manner that defines it and its products. It is the concept upon which Apple’s brand image has been inextricably linked; its powerful digital and mobile devices such as the iPad, the iPod, the Mac, and the iPhone, which have been Apple’s greatest marketing successes, attracted the interest and commitment of the public because they were easy to operate (e.g., the absence of keys, knobs or switches) but delivered the desired qu ality of service in a manner compatible with our contemporary lifestyles (Van Dijk & Schipper, 2007). As for existing rivalry, Apple has redefined the market and reaped first option advantages with its revolutionary operating systems and its touch system technology. Through innovative products and technology, customers’ bargaining power is reduced for lack of competing alternatives or substitutes. How I assess Apple has done Taking a comprehensive look at Apple’s operations and it stated vision and principles, I believe that Apple has done more than apply them in the conventional way: the company has redefined what quality, innovation, and user friendliness means in the arena of digital communication devices. For all its

Monday, August 26, 2019

Tax advantages on buying your own home in Canada Research Paper

Tax advantages on buying your own home in Canada - Research Paper Example Home ownership is a critical subject that needs to be handled with care; in the recent past, most Canadians have never had the coveted opportunity of owning a home. Nevertheless, with the tax advantages in place more Canadians are having the opportunity to own a home. Every time one requires to purchase a house such a person must consider of the tax benefits involved in such an investment. The government has made frantic efforts to ensure that citizens are empowered to own homes. Therefore, households which purchase houses usually make a great deal in savings. However, several restrictions and procedures control the tax benefits. It is therefore, critical that deliberate efforts are taken by potential homeowners to consult with several tax professionals such as accountants to help them to fully understand the benefits of owning a home. The subsequent paragraph illuminates the tax benefits of owning a home in Canada as well as Professor Tristani’s view that owning a home may no t be advantageous after all. Tax Benefits of Owning a home Deductions on mortgage interest are one tax benefit that comes with owning a house in Canada. The Government in a bid to ensure that more households own homes has partnered with several commercial financial institutions such as banks with a view of effecting deductions on mortgage interest when the applicants meet some standards set (Canada, 2006). In fact, it is very possible for individuals to be offered tax deductions for the interest payable on mortgage taken for purchase, of home or for improvement of home. It is worth noting that although there are several deductions on mortgage interest the procedures involved are quite elaborate. Therefore, expert guidance is required so that a potential homebuyer does not miss the benefits that come with it (Andersen, 2009). Access Access to mortgage is one critical achievement that the government can take credit for removal of the many restrictions that had barred several people fr om owning homes. For example, currently Canadians are not required to offer collateral on mortgagees, and this means that even people with average income who do not have assets have the opportunity of owning a home. Moreover, the many bureaucracies that characterized application to obtain a mortgage have been reduced considerably. What is more, even the rate of interest on mortgage is at all-time low at 4%. The other tax benefit of owning a home can be realized from the deductions that are pegged to home improvement and repairs. Improvement and repairs to home are crucial in the sense that they result in increasing the value of the house, make it to be used for a different purpose, or increasing its value. However, homeowner must be alive to the fact that ordinary cost incurred with maintaining the home do not qualify for deductions (Higgins, 2004). It is currently possible for people to secure loans for repairs and improvement of the value of the house. This possibility has gone a long way to ensuring that majority of Canadians lengthen the useful period of their homes. When the individual applying for the mortgage follows the right procedures and meets the requirement for reduction, the individual will be offered a deduction on interest for a mortgage taken to facilitate repairs and maintenance of the house. Deducting of points and closing of costs is yet another tax benefit that is inherent in home ownership. Every other time when one secures a mortgage, such a mortgage is charged costs referred to as lender points. The faster the one pays up the mortgage and accruing interest the more points he is awarded. This means that depending on the points one has he can qualify for deduc

Sunday, August 25, 2019

How Did Mobile Phones Change Cameroon Term Paper

How Did Mobile Phones Change Cameroon - Term Paper Example 9 Works Cited 11 1) What Are The Factors Or Forces In Your Selected Country (Cameroon), Which Leads To Rapid Development Of Mobile Phones? If So Why? Why Is It Faster? An important factor or force that has led towards the development of mobile phones in Cameroon has been related with socio-cultural issues. Increase in per-capita income of the probable users can recognize a major socio-cultural factor for increase in mobile phones in Cameroon. The availability of set out legal and regulatory frameworks to install and set up mobile phone towers has also provided significant benefits towards the growth. Highly advanced and appropriate technology is the other factor that must be considered for better development of the mobile phones according to the huge demand of consumers. In recent years in countries such as Cameroon, subscription of mobile phones has enlarged due to availability of mobile phones at lower costs. A large section of populace has started to use mobile phones in Sub-Sahar an Africa such as Cameroon in the period in between 2000 to 2008 can be apparently witnessed from the growth of mobile phone users from 16 million to 376 million. In some African countries mobile phone is generally used for oral communication instead of reading or typing text messages as these countries have a high level of illiteracy. With regards to Cameroon, cost is an important factor and therefore companies provide the facility of internet access in the handsets in much cheaper sets (Aker & Mbiti, â€Å"Mobile Phones and Economic Development in Africa†). Mobile phone service is highly profitable and is expanding in the emerging markets very rapidly. The growth and the development of the mobile phones have gained a strong position with rise in the population density in Cameroon. The profitability of the mobile phones is related to the demand factors. Apart from this, previously landline connections were being used and it required wires on every road with fewer lines in ea ch for every connection, which turned out to be very expensive. Therefore, mobile phone mechanism evolved that provided a service station within 5-10 kilometers radius which is much cheaper than landlines. Hence, it was found that the use of mobile phones proved to be most effective and gained acceptance among the consumers (Banks & Burge, â€Å"Mobile Phones: An Appropriate Tool for Conservation and Development†). 2) What Is The Status Of Mobile Phones In Cameroon? (Mobile Phone Generation, In Relation With Fixed Phones, Compare With Other Countries, Such As SAR, Bostwana, USA, Korean) The mobile phone revolution is felt across-the-board throughout Cameroon. It has been noted that there has been tremendous rise in the demand for the mobile phone after the liberalization took place in Cameroon by the government in the year 2000. With the invention of liberalized mobile phones administration in Cameroon, there has been rise in the competition among the private companies so tha t customers can be attracted. The figure below shows the mobile phone usage in Cameroon from the year 1996 to the year 2010: Mobile phone is considered as asset in numerous towns and villages of Cameroon. Alike most of the African countries, Cameroonian telecommunication sector has gained huge advantage from the spectacular development since the year 2000 (Zebaze, C. D., â€Å"Impact of Liberalisation of Trade in Services on Africa: Case of

HEALTH ILLNESS AND SOCIETY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

HEALTH ILLNESS AND SOCIETY - Essay Example nditions of the poor and the rich differed notably in the UK(Office of National Statistics, 2007).Many socio-economic aspects can explain health inequalities. Not only poor people live less long than the rich people, but also they have more years of poor health. There is also inequality in access to health. The young and able-bodied people receive better treatment than theold and disabled people (BBC News, 2009).In UK one of most important health challenges existing today is diabetes.By 2011 the number of people affected by the problem of diabetes islikely to reach to 5 million (Diabetes and the disadvantaged: reducing health inequalities in the UK, 2006, p. 5). Almost half of these people are from disadvantaged community, who do not have adequate access to the appropriate care. Life expectancy at birth for men and women in all the social classes has increased from 1972-2006. Over the years mortality gap has been widened amongst social classes (Office of National Statistics, 2007).Death proportions for both the men and women have increased overtime. This is also true for children and adults. Improved living conditions, availability of healthcare and other factors have caused the infant mortality rate to fall significantly (Health Inequalities in the UK, 2009, 14). One can define health inequalities in two different ways. One is absolute and the other is relative. By subtracting one figure or rate from another, we get absolute inequalities and by dividing one number or rate by another, we get relative inequalities.Socio-economic class is the only cause of measuring health inequalities in England.There are many other dimensions of measuring health inequalities, which are also very important (Ihsan& Ahmad, 1993). There are differences of health among ethnic groups. In 2001 Chinese men and women in England and Wales reported the lowest frequencies of both poor health and restricting long-term ailment, while Pakistani and Bangladeshi men and women recounted the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Crisis Response Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Crisis Response Case - Essay Example Therefore, it is necessary to check with our surveillance system. We know that a security card is required to have access in Biomed laboratory. In addition, video system is also placed for monitoring that all the activity in side the premises. Universal Refuse Co. is contracted to remove the potentially dangerous discards from the plant location, therefore they have too regular access of Biomed premises. Therefore, we can share this information with Universal Refuse Co. so that they can too help finding the solution and tracking the anonymous caller. The most important thing in any crisis is to eliminate bureaucracy, establish relationships before a crisis with those you will need in the event of a crisis and know who you can count on when needed. Therefore, it is required to inform the CEO Karen Lewis, although she is out for a meeting at San Diego and will not return before Saturday morning. She can co-ordinate from there and can give appropriate instructions that redirect the crisis plan. At the time of crisis, a crisis team, communication officer and plan along with crisis communication center equipped with phones, computer and phone machines is required. In addition, a crisis management firm in case of emergencies is needed. Fortunately Biomed have all of this. Moreover, good relationship with press is also required at this time. As we know that the Vice President of Operations and Development has a scientific and medical background and manages the work of Biomed chemists, physicists, engineers and biologists and is articulate in explaining the work done at Biomed. Therefore, he should be placed along with communication officer for giving answers of all the queries that comes. At the time of crisis, it is important to form partnerships, listen to public concerns and be open and honest. Anonymous caller has given threat of placing the AIDS virus samples in food in buffet lines and in bottled water as examples

Friday, August 23, 2019

Ronald Ernest Paul Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ronald Ernest Paul - Essay Example He was criticizing the same Congress in which he was part of it. Many critics observed that the critics from Paul were meant for individual benefits especially as campaign tools. He was quoted in his speech saying, â€Å"I think Congress is about 20 years behind† (Ron Paul’s Speech). In his speech ,he dwelt on the on the need to critically articulate the issues related to foreign and domestic strategy issues, which he said they negatively impacted on the economy and he said the country was headed to a worst economy crisis. It is ironical that Ron Paul’s criticism was on the same congress, which he is part of. He is one of the unsuccessful members of the congress, yet he appears the top critic. Ronald Ernest â€Å"Ron† Paul is one of the renowned United States Congressman and emerged to be repeat presidential candidature, having contented for the presidency in 1988, 2008, and 2012. In the year 1988, he was presidential candidate for Libertarian Party in the 12 years break in the years when he was Republican Congressman. In 2008, Ronald Ernest was presidential nominee for Republican Party. He believes on the supremacy of the Constitution and he never proposes a bill to be approved in the Congress, unless it is provided in the constitution. He is presently contesting for presidency under the nomination for Republican Party in the United States (Schoen & Rasmussen 102). ... 8 contestation for presidency under Republican Party, he has been the chief architect behind advocacy movement Campaign for Liberty and his ideas has been evidence in his speeches, journals, and books. He has become a leading critic in the aspect of civil liberties, gay marriage, taxation policies, foreign policies, health care, entitlements, and abortion. Paul has the believe and understanding that liberties in the market , reducing business regulations and lowering taxes will boost the market strategies ,as well as promoting favorable business environment . According to him, these aspects will have positive impacts on the economy of the United States and also increase employment opportunities within the market environment. He is the chief critic on Federal Reserve, arguing that this will present serious implications on the economy of the country. He said in his speech while in Michigan University addressing students that this will lead to the aspect of bust and boom leading to fina ncial crisis both in the United States and in the global platform. The boom and bust within the economy will promote unethical business practices (Schoen & Rasmussen 89). In his speech he said that, â€Å"The federal government does a lousy job providing the atmosphere necessary to be competitive and be able to compete around the world because they overtax and they over regulateâ€Å". In his entire speech in Michigan, he put more emphasizes on the element of abolishing the Federal Reserve ,an economic entity that he argued that is guilty of collapsing the U.S dollar value and obstructing ,not assisting ,the U.S economy. He said in his speech that the labor policies should be revisited by the Congress where he advocated for a countrywide Right to work policy (Schoen & Rasmussen 123). . He said

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Time Management Essay Example for Free

Time Management Essay Surveying †¢ pre-reading †¢ previewing assignment †¢ Big pictures overview of main ideas and themes †¢ Skim table of contents, preface, chapter elements Question †¢Step 1: Ask yourself what you know about the topic Summarize what you already know about topic †¢Step 2 : Write questions linked to chapter headings Examine chapter headings and write down any questions about headings on piece of paper or in margins for book. Read †¢After surveying and questioning, retain what you read. Focus on the key points of your survey – boldface type, raised headings, chapter objectives and summary. oFocus on your Q-stage questions – Read with purpose of answering the â€Å"questions† written in the margin of book or separate piece of paper. Write down or highlight ideas related to your questions. oMark up your text, and take text notes – Write notes in margin or separate paper, circle ideas, highlight key points that you want to study for exams. oCreate text tabs – Place plastic index tabs or adhesive notes at the start of different chapters to flip back and forth with ease. Find Main Idea Search for topic of paragraph – Topic of paragraph is not the same as main idea, it is broad subject being discussed – President Barack Obama, hate crimes on campus, or the Internet. oIdentify the aspect of the topic that is the paragraph’s focus – If general topic is President Barack Obama, the author may focus on different aspects of that topic, such as health-care policies, first African American president, or public speaking talent. Find what the author wants you to know about that aspect; this is the main idea – The main idea of a paragraph on President Obama as a public speaker may be: President Obama is a charismatic speaker who uses his oratorical skills to encourage the American people in times of crisis. Prioritize Reading Assignments Ask what is important to remember Is the information stressed in headings, charts, tables, captions, key terms, and definitions? Is the information a definition, a crucial concept, an example, an explanation of a variety or type, or a critical relationship or comparison? Did your instructor stress the information in class? Is it in syllabus, does your assignment ask you to focus on something specific? Recite †¢Once you finish reading a topic, stop and answer the questions raised in the Q-stage of SQ3R even if you already did it during the reading phase, do it again with the purpose of learning and committing the material to memory. †¢Recite each answer aloud, silently speak the answers to yourself, â€Å"teach† the answers to another person, or write it down. Review †¢Review immediately and periodically in the days and weeks after you read the chapter to help you learn and memorize material and prepare for exams. †¢Some helpful reviewing techniques: Reread notes and summarize from memory Review and summarize in writing the text sections you highlighted or bracketed. Try to condense the material so that you can focus on key ideas Answer the end-of-chapter review, discussion, and application questions Recite concepts to self, or record/playback on digital recorder Flash cards with word/concept on one side with definition on other side Quiz self with questions raised in Q-stage Discuss concepts with classmate/study group Ask instructor about difficult material. Terms to remember Scanning – rapid reading in search of specific information. Concentration – focusing on one topic at a time and avoiding distractions so you can learn material

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A Nestlé Company Research

A Nestlà © Company Research ABSTRACT Our group has decided to choose Nestlà © Company for our research. Our study was to do a research on Nestlà © Company in general view because it would provide us with wide range of topic for example what is their favourite Nestlà © products, why the like Nestlà © products, what is their opinion on the company and others. The research would be based on information from the internet, questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire and interview was done at Tunku Abdul Rahman College in Setapak. For questionnaire and interview, all of us had decided to choose 50 students from year two Diploma in Business Administration (2DBU) students. Our key findings showed a very positive response on Nestlà © products and its brands. The results had showed that the 50 students trusted the Nestlà © Company very much. They have become a fan of the Nestlà © products over the years. Even though there was one student who was not interested with Maggi but she did like their other products and did tru sted the company. So, it was conclude that the research was satisfying because most students really liked the products so much and are a very loyal customer to Nestlà ©. They had used the products in quite long time. INTRODUCTION Background The history of Nestlà © began in Switzerland in 1867. Henri Nestle, the pharmacist had discovered nutrition food supplement to overcome the problem of malnutrition. He helps an infant who was unable to accept his mothers milk by using his product called Farine Lactee Nestlà ©. He then saves the life of the infant. Henri used his surname, which means little nest, in both company name and the logotype. Nestle means little nest which symbolises security, family and symbol of companys care and attitude to life-long nutrition. Nestlà © success with its product innovations and now has turned into world leading Food Company. Today, more than 5000 employees work in Nestlà © Company. The Nestle Company also produce more than 300 HALAL products in Malaysia such as the brand Milo, Maggie, Nescafe and Kit Kat have been trusted by household names and enjoyed for generation today. Nowadays, Nestle products are sold in every country in the world. Purposes The objective of this report is to study about Nestlà © Company in general profile. Do research on Nestlà © products and with respondents to provide opinion on Nestlà © and some improvement or suggestion. Besides, is to investigate and analysis the Nestlà © Company SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, threat). This proposal aims to provide recommendation on improvement Nestlà © products and how can Nestlà © Company satisfied their customers needs. Scope The report investigates the general profile of Nestlà © products preference by Tunku Abdul Rahman College students from Business Administration (DBU 2) only. The other Tunku Abdul Rahman campus branches are not included in this report. It focuses on Nestlà © product and how consumers think about it. They were only 50 students to survey for this report. This recommendation is to improve Nestlà © products and satisfied customer needs. If long-term solution, suggested to do more health science research to develop more nutrition level of the food. Findings from Internet Nestlà © Company owns several brands in their product such as junior food, coffee, beverages, culinary product and others as well. The brands include Milo, Nescafà ©, Nestum, Maggi and many more. Based on the Nestlà ©s sales report, MILO, Coffee mate and Nescafà © are the best products sells. Culinary product like Maggi is the following best sells. Most of the people like to drink Milo or Nescafà © at the morning as their breakfast drinks. Nowadays, there are many choices in Milo. More choices are provided to obtain their customers need. Now, Nestlà © is promoting their new product such as Milo Sejuk, Mat Kool Spiro and others to attract their customers. Many people like to buy Nestlà © Companys product because their brands are trusted. Besides that, Nestlà © Company also provides wellness quiz and tools for their beloved customers, for example BMI Calculator and Waist Hip Ratio. When using these tools, everyone can easily check for their body weight whether is standard, underweight or overweight. After that, when you know your body weight, you can control or maintain your body weight by increase your food intake or maintain your diet. Every Nestlà ©s product has a simple device called Nestlà © Nutritional Compass. It provides the product information clearly. This can help us to make healthier choice when buying their product. Apart from that, Nestlà © also provide an app to help those who are not very well in cooking. The app provides step by step cooking guide for the users. There are many recipes provide for example how to bake honey chicken, how to cook Tom Yam fried rice, how to make Chocolate Milo and others more. For those who are interest can easily try it out. It is simple to do it by just follow the pr ocedure given by. Nestlà © research and development adapt to local consumers trend in lifestyle, culture and purchasing power. (Nestlà ©, Consumer Needs) This characteristic of consumer make Nestlà © research and development more understand about customer needs and to make new products. Besides it also do nutrition research to increase the nutrition level and tasty products. It makes all products standardise and safety to be consume. Nestlà © Company offer great career opportunities for those who interested with expertise skill and be competent for those who wish to excel in their careers. Nestlà © company also provide rewarding career and further develop to who want work in Nestlà © company. Next, Nestlà © set the principle to organize their organization, and how to treat each other. The principle set by Nestlà © Companys Trust, Respect, Involvement and Pride, its motivates them to run organization in successful way. Furthermore, Nestlà © company also provide training program Nestlà © Management Trainee program) to develop strength of employee. The Nestlà © Companys looking for applicant whose holder degree cert with minimum CGPA 3.2 and active in curricular activities. Program offer by Nestlà © such as position in marketing sales, supply chain, human resource and more. Findings from Sales Table 1: Sales of Nestle Product in Year 2011 Source:Nestle: According to Nestlà © company sales, the higher sales are powdered and liquid beverages with 18,204 sales. The products with high demanded which are Milo, Nescafà ©, and Nestea. The lower sales are mineral water at 6,526 sales. The sales of milk and Ice cream are 16,406. The products are Nestlà © NIDO, Nestlà © Coffee-mate, Nestlà © Ice cream and Dreyers. Nutrition and healthcare products have an average of sales compare to the higher sales with the sales of 9,744. Nutrition and healthcare products is such as, Nestlà © Nutrition, Nestlà © NAN, and Nestlà © Gerber. In addition, prepared dishes and cooking aids are like Maggi, Hot pockets, and Lean cuisine with 13,933 sales. The confectionary products like Kit Kat, Milo choco bar and Nestlà © Crunch with the sales of 9,065. The PetCare products have the sales of 9,764. For example products like Purina, Friskies and Dog Chow. The total sales of all Nestlà © products are 83,642 in 2011 year. The sales of 2011 have decrease 9,37 3 of sales from 2010. Findings from Nestlà © Company SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) The Strength of Nestlà © Company is having been a trusted Company over 100 years of history. Penetrate the market share easily in the early stage, because the price for the product is low and now the Nestlà © market share price is high at 54.100. Nestlà © products mix with many extensions of product lines that provide high quality brand and product that are well-known and top selling brands. For example Nestlà © brands are Milo, Maggi, Kit-Kat, Nescafà © and Hà ¤agen-Dazs. Research and development (RD) is one of the strength to Nestlà ©, it helps develop new products. Besides it helps to improve the nutrition level, taste, and safety to be consumed. However, the weakness is Nestlà © entering into the markets that are already mature and can have tough competition between competitors in the market. The complex supply chain management usually happens in rural place such as India. The factory require good working environment, hygiene and so it can produce good quality products. High distribution cost because not all product are manufacture at the country. In addition, the opportunities for Nestlà © is the company can expand their product line such as new Milo sejuk by differentiate the product. Besides it have the opportunity expand to smaller town or geographical area. It opportunity for Nestlà © is lower cost of raw material and produce product that is cheaper. Since cost is lower the manufacturer is mostly located in Asia country such as India for manufacturing goods. The Threats is Nestlà © Company has many competitors to be competing in the market. For example company like Kraft food, Hershey, Ovaltine, and Cadbury. The Changing consumer trend in products due to launch new products by competitor. Existing competitor may take over Nestlà © consumer by increasing the product lines and by giving customers the variety of choosing the products and it threatening to Nestlà ©. Nestlà © also need to follow local policy that made by governments to produce certain products or goods. Findings from interview Our group has conducted the interview on 10 students. Based on our findings, we have found out that most students have been using Maggi and Milo for so many years. Three students have been using the product for 19 years and two students have been using the product for 15 years. In addition, four students have been using it for 18 years which was the highest based on our findings. All the students have said in the interview that they like these product so much because they had been using it since they were little such as product like Milo. They like both of this product because of its taste which all of them will describe it as very tasty and delicious. Furthermore, one student describes the taste as fantastic. These students said that Maggi was convenience because it only takes about 5 minutes to prepare and usually if they already hungry they will make Maggi to eat. Besides that, it is an instant noodle that tastes good. Moreover, they also felt these product are wonderful because i t was easy to find and both of it satisfy their taste bud. Then, one student has been using these products for 3 years only. He did like the products but not too much. In addition, we found out that Milo was the highest product that they will buy because most of them like the taste of Milo. Meanwhile, a student said it was good to drink Milo for breakfast. Plus, they have been drinking Milo since they were little. Nescafà © was the second highest product they will buy. Most of them agree with the taste of Nescafà © which was tasty to drink not like some other coffee. Then, the third highest product was Kit Kat. They described Kit Kat as one of their favourite chocolate to eat because it was delicious. This is due to the taste of it which is sweet. Maggi was at fourth because of it taste and also easy to prepare for it. At fifth was ice-cream by Nestlà ©. The students like the taste of the ice-cream which was very sweet and has many flavours that they could choose from. Furthermore, some like to eat ice-cream because to cool down their body. The last product was Coco Crunch because it is a healthy cereal food to eat for breakfast. But, one person said that she will buy Nestle products depends on her needs. This is because she also likes products from other brands. Besides that, all of the students found that the nutrition information very informative. Moreover, most of them found the nutritional information helpful because it let you knew about the nutrient contains in the Nestlà © product. So, they knew how much protein, vitamin and fibre consumed by them when they eat the Nestlà © product. Plus, they also would notice what type of fat and how much does it contain in the product. In addition to that, they can monitor what types of product provide the best or good nutrients for them because they needed a lot of energy. Then, we found out most students have no complaint about Nestlà © products so far except for one student only that have a complaint. Most of them really like the products. As we could see clearly throughout the interview they had become a fan of Nestlà © products for so many years. Some student agree that the Nestlà © product was quite good compared to other brands that already been in the market. Moreover, a student said it was hard for other brands to compete with Nestlà © because Nestlà © have been producing many of good quality products in the market for so many years. Then, they have no problem with the Nestlà © products and its brands. They had been using the products for so many years and did not face any problem. The products by Nestlà © are great so they dont have anything to complaint about. But there was one student who thinks Maggi was bad. She said that it was not good for your health to be consumed often. If there is any severe case then this will threaten the Ne stlà © Company. Besides that, we also found out that most of them wanted Nestlà © to produce more products and give more choices in the market. Some of them said they could make new flavour for yogurt and ice-cream. Furthermore, they all wanted Nestlà © to lower the price of their product. So, it will be easier for them to buy the product in daily basis. Then, some said that Nestlà © could improve their product quality by following the current demand in the market and see the feedback from the market and customer. Plus, they wanted Nestle to do more promotion on their products for students so they could buy it. They also said that Nestlà © could give free gifts to their customer when they purchase the products. This could help retain their customers. Findings from Survey/Questionnaire Out of the 50 respondent from DBU year two students who took questionnaire, 49 of they satisfied with Nestlà © product and they believe that Nestlà © is trusted company because they were in market over 100 years and produce more good quality products. Besides that, Most of them agreed that it is an affordable price but yet some said that they are very expensive. According to our respondent, some said product of Nestlà © cant be consumed by every range of ages and as they give reason that coffee product is not suitable for children. Moreover, the latest product MILO SEJUK as came to many peoples mine and yet most of them said it is delicious and few of them said it is not delicious. The respondent claims that it is easy to purchase Nestlà © product at any store such as supermarket and grocery shop. In addition, we notice that the respondents are very often purchasing Nestlà © product. Lastly, There are suggestion from some student to do more promotion should be held on to increas e customers awareness and purchasing rate until its become the households brand in the market mainly. Table 2: Source from questionnaire below shows student DBU year twos most preference on Nestle product and what DBU year two student thoughts on Nestle products are. CONCLUSION The problems faced the consumer in Nestlà © Company Product is mainly on their nutritional. From our internet research we realise that many people complains about the nutrition. The first problem is nutrition for elderly, we notice that it is a large extent by a person diet and also their nutrition consumption. By taking an improper nutrition and unbalanced nutria diet can increase the risks to have disease. Secondly, Children obesity caused mainly because their consuming to much chocolate and confectionary, taking a lots of chocolate cause them to have disease in early ages. Lastly, in our research we realise that Nestle is producing less energy drinks. RECOMMENDATION Based on our research, we will like to recommend to Nestlà © to produce more products that are suitable for older people such as protein milk and cereal with necessary nutrition where every older people can make it as their daily use and also they should produce some organic product to whom are very health conscious so it can be a healthy snack. Since children obesity is increasing, Nestlà © can produce a chocolate bar with less sugar so that obesity will not increase. Moreover, Nestlà © should produce more energy drink that is suitable for all ranges such as students and people that is active in their daily life.